The results from our 2019 Logic Annual Awards are here!

Employee of the Year - Neil
Well done Neil for winning Employee of the Year 2019.
Neil is a great asset to the Logic team, winning this award for his development over the year.

Manager of the Year - Richard
Well done Richard for winning Manager of the Year 2019.
Richard won this award as he got the most votes from everyone at Logic, some of the reasons why Richard was nominated include;
– One of the best managers I have ever met,
– Nothing is ever too much for him & he has been a massive help to me personally.

Newcomer of the Year - Jordan
Well done Jordan for winning Newcomer of the Year 2019.
Joining Logic in May, Jordan won this award for his commitment to his development since starting at Logic.

Unsung Hero of the Year - Kayleigh
Well done Kayleigh for winning Unsung Hero of the Year 2019.
Kayleigh won this award for her help throughout every team in the office, no questions asked.