Did you know that It’s estimated that false fire alarms cost the UK economy £1billion a year. How much are they costing your business? If it’s a persistent problem your local fire service may charge you for false alarms.
The Fire and Rescue Service have been working through Covid-19 to keep communities safe. If you have just got back to business, help your local fire and rescue service by reducing false alarm call outs in your premises.
Watch this video from the NFCC for help on how to do this:
If you have had to close your business during lockdown, there may have been a need for increased security measures to protect your closed premises during the lockdown period. Double check these measures remain suitable if you are back in business and they do not adversely affect fire safety measures. The NFCC have put together a helpful checklist highlighting important measures which will help when reopening your business.
It is important to adapt any changes made to your businesses to ensure all fire safety requirements are being met: