Download Logic’s Fire Risk Assessment information sheet

Download Logic’s fire risk assessment information sheet

From concept to completion we have you covered

From concept to completion we have you covered

 Why Have a Fire Risk Assessment?

Many companies are unaware that a fire risk assessment is a legal requirement.

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states that it is a legal requirement in the UK for a fire risk assessment (FRA) to have been carried out by the responsible person of any non-domestic premises, sleeping accommodation and premises with an alcohol licence. A written record must be kept if; you have five or more employees, a licence under enactment is in force, or if an Alterations Notice under the Fire Safety Order requires it.

In the event of a fire related incident, one of the first things you could be asked for by your insurers and the fire brigade is a copy of your fire risk assessment. Failure to have this could result in prosecution and insurers refusing to pay out on your claim.

Logic Fire and Security have fully qualified Fire Risk Assessors, who can attend your premises and perform an onsite assessment.

You will then receive a detailed report of what is required to make your building compliant.

Our Assessment will ensure you:

Identify fire hazards

Source of Ignition.

Source of Fuel.

Source of Oxygen.

Identify people at risk

People in and around the premises.

People who are especially at risk.

Evaluate, remove or reduce and protect from risk

Evaluate the risk of fire starting

Evaluate the risk to people from fire

Remove or reduce fire hazards

Remove or reduce the risks to people from a fire

Protect people by providing fire precautions

Record, Plan, Inform, Instruct and Train

Record any major findings and action you have taken.

Discuss and work with other responsible people.

Prepare an emergency plan.

Inform and instruct relevant people.

Provide training.


Review your Fire Risk Assessment regularly, make changes were necessary.



Monkswell House, Manse Lane, Knaresborough,
North Yorkshire, HG5 8NQ

Tel: 0845 999 3222

Fax: 01423 864 438


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